My 3 Monsters: All About Amy

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All About Amy

Hi! I'm Amy G.
I am so pleased {and a little surprised, if I'm being perfectly honest} that you have found your way here to my blog!  My 3 Monsters is my little online home where I write about the things I'm working on in my little real-life home. If you stick around you'll find a bit of crafting, some baking, a pinch of designing, and more!

My 3 Monsters began many years ago as a place where I could write about my kids for the twenty-or-so friends and family members who cared to keep up with us.  It has since taken on a life of its own and become a place where I can share all the fun things I'm doing around my house.  I don't claim to be the most creative person in the world, but I always have a project in the works. This is me in a nutshell:
I love crafts and baking.
I sew a little.
I'm kind-of an interior designer. {At least my college degree and my passion say so.}
I enjoy pretty things and my crazy family.
I could read Pride and Prejudice a million times and never get tired of it.
If I had to pick one food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be muffins.
But I'm glad I don't have to pick because I also love Thai food.
And pollo fundido.
I like to write lists.
I'm an absolute night owl, so feel free to call me late if you ever want to.
But seriously, don't call me -- just come over.  Or text.
Talking on the phone gives me major anxiety.
It must be genetic because most of my six siblings feel the same.
I'm obsessed with Draw Something.

And TV shows intended for teenagers.

Enough about me, already!  This  is my family.  I met my husband when we were both going to BYU.  I moved in with his ex-girlfriend so naturally he and I fell in love.  Happens to everyone, right? No?  Just us?  OK.  Anyway.  Seventeen years later we are still happy as clams and have three hilarious kiddos - the 3 Monsters who inspired this blog.  We live in Arizona {a far cry from Canada, where my husband was raised} and love it. 

To get you started, here are a few of my reader's favorite posts:

Here are a few of the posts that I really enjoyed writing:

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