My 3 Monsters: Still Being Such a Tease in the Bedroom!

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Still Being Such a Tease in the Bedroom!

So, there it is.  My burlap floor.  I am loving it!   It is fresh and clean-looking, unlike the carpet that went before it.  It is rustic and different, also unlike the carpet that went before it.  I promise to post pictures of the whole room soon.  I've hesitated because I haven't put the finishing touches on it yet.  Actually, we haven't really even moved back in yet.  I mean we are sleeping here.  And loving it.  Loving the uncluttered bookcases so much that we still have boxes of our personal effects in the garage.  So it may be a while before it is really "finished" in an interior designer kind of way.  Maybe I'll post some "coming along nicely" pics instead.  I would love to know what you all think.


  1. A very appealing look. Is it directly on concrete below, so there is no cushion? Can you feel the cool concrete below?

  2. Emily, it is applied directly on the concrete, so it's not super comfortable. I need to get little throw rugs to put on either side of the bed so we don't have to keep kneeling on our pillows to pray. I don't think the floor feels cool, but maybe that's just because here in Arizona our floor never has the chance to GET very cool.

    (This is Amy, not Sydney, BTW.)

  3. Amy - I LOVE IT! Love it, love it, love it! It looks so chic against the dark furniture. Woo Hoo! Don't you love it when a project turns out so amazing (I felt that when you and the girls helped me with my upstairs). It fills you with a sense of renewal and makes you not hate so much the other aspects of your house...
    Can't wait to see it!!!!

  4. I am curious to know how well it held up over time to cleanings and daily wear?


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