My 3 Monsters: Mutual Theme for 2012

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Mutual Theme for 2012

Have I mentioned before just how much I adore working with the teenage girls in our church?  I have ever-so-much fun with them, going to camp, making tutus, thrift shopping and such, but we try to do some meaningful spiritual things as well.  {It is church, after all.}  Every year there is a new theme for the youth church-wide that we try to incorporate into our lessons and activities.  The theme is typically announced in August or September of the year prior so that we can have time to prepare.  I like to make a pretty little theme poster to display in our room on Sunday, but try as I might I usually don't get anything done until March or April.  Because that's just how I roll.  In 2012 I'm turning over a new leaf!  I played around in Gimp tonight and came up with a little sum'n sum'n for the 2012 theme.  I just can't decide which color scheme I like the best:


Please help me pick one to have printed!  I'm leaning toward the second one because it matches the Young Women Theme poster I made, but I'm not sure that matters so much.  Also, feel free to download and use them yourself.  They are all high-res 8x10 size.  Thanks, friends!


  1. I really like the black and the one in the middle on the bottom. And you are such a great leader for the young women!!

  2. I like the orange-y fade one :) The purple and green are nice too though...

  3. I LOVE the yellow one that looks like the sun is rising in the background. I can imagine lots and lots of "sunrise" takes on this theme!

  4. OK kids, SOOOO not helpful if everyone likes something different! Just kidding. Thanks for the nice comments... carry on...

  5. I like the first and the last. Good luck choosing, because they are all awesome!


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